Eco-Friendly Cleaning Practices for Vacation Homes: Sustainable Solutions

Eco-Friendly Cleaning Practices for Vacation Homes: Sustainable Solutions

You already know that people will book your vacation property for the location. They'll book it for its luxurious interior and unique outdoor space.

But did you know that there is another factor that will attract tenants? That's sustainability. Sustainability is more than a buzzword. People stay loyal to companies or shun them based on their commitment to the environment, and that's true for vacation properties.

Here are some eco-friendly cleaning practices for vacation homes to boost your sustainability credentials.

Choose Natural Ingredients

Avoid those containing harsh chemicals when choosing cleaning products, and opt for natural ingredients instead. It's even possible to make your own cleaning products using everyday ingredients like vinegar, baking soda, and essential oils.

That will lower the cleaning costs for your vacation rental. Choosing natural ingredients also creates a safer and healthier environment for your guests.

Use Eco-Friendly Cleaning Cloths

Paper towels and other disposable cleaning cloths create a lot of waste. Replacing these with reusable microfiber cloths will save you money and be better for the environment.

Microfiber is a fantastic material for lifting dust and dirt off surfaces. Using it means you take a more sustainable stance on cleaning while still getting a polished finish for your vacation home.

Environmental-Friendly Housekeeping and Laundry

If you supply towels and bedding, you may have lots of laundry to do between guests, which can significantly impact your energy use.

Choosing low temperatures for your wash can help lower the expenses and save energy, making your vacation home more eco-friendly. You can also ask guests to keep hold of towels they haven't used rather than leaving them in the dirty laundry pile.

Conserve Water Use in Your Property

Water waste is a growing environmental concern.

Nevertheless, you can take many simple steps to reduce water waste on your property. Install energy-efficient showers and faucets with low flow, and fix any minor leaks in your property's plumbing.

When cleaning bedding and towels, wait until you have a full wash before you switch on the machine. You should also invest in extra supplies of clean sheets and towels instead.

Green Cleaning Tips: Recycle and Compost Waste

When cleaning the trash from sustainable vacation rentals, sort it into recyclable materials so it doesn't end up in the landfill.

You should also add labeled recycling bins to your property and include simple instructions in your welcome pack. You can also separate food waste and compost it.

Compost is excellent for gardens, so if you have an outdoor area, you'll use it well and help save money on gardening products. Always provide plenty of information to guests on how to recycle and compost and why it's important to you.

Eco-Friendly Cleaning Practices for Vacation Homes

Sustainability is more important than ever. To secure back-to-back rentals for your vacation property, transform it into an eco-friendly haven. Use these tips on eco-friendly cleaning practices for vacation homes to guide you.

PMI Prince William understands the importance of exceptional property care for vacation rentals. That's what we offer our clients, and it's why they work with us. Discover how we can manage your property here.
